Inside the ‘Magnum P.I.’ Reboot: Exclusive Interview with Peter Lenkov on Higgins and the Casting of Perdita Weeks

An unprecedented approach to the character Higgins, portrayed by Perdita Weeks in Magnum PI, in the words of Peter Lenkov

With his captivating creativity, Peter Lenkov has won the hearts of fans by bringing back to life some of the most beloved series of all time. He’s like a television magician, behind the beloved reboots of “Hawaii Five-0,” “Magnum P.I.,” and “MacGyver.” His name is a guarantee of nostalgia and quality because he not only brought back these beloved stories but recreated them for a new generation, offering an exciting visual experience for adventure-hungry and fun-loving viewers.

In addition to bringing back to life these icons of pop culture, Lenkov is known for his meticulousness and dedication to detail. Every episode, every line of dialogue, is carefully crafted to capture the essence of the characters and original narratives while adding layers of complexity and freshness. His ability to balance respect for the original source with the need for innovation is truly remarkable, and it’s what makes his reboots stand out among the crowds of contemporary productions.


What makes Lenkov’s work even more remarkable is his ability to reach multiple generations of viewers. While the original fans of the 1980s series find comfort and nostalgia in revisiting these familiar universes, new generations are drawn to the vibrant energy and electrifying action that characterize his reboots. Lenkov has managed to create a bridge between the past and the present, uniting different audiences in a shared experience of entertainment and excitement.

With a striking example of his care and talent, we can observe the recreation of the character Higgins in the reboot of “Magnum P.I.” Under the new identity of Juliet Higgins, the character was portrayed by the talented Perdita Weeks. This transformation not only updated the series but also had a significant impact on female representation on television. By giving the character a new gender, Lenkov not only demonstrated his ability to revitalize classic concepts but also helped empower women and provide positive role models for young female viewers. Juliet Higgins became an inspiration with her unique personality. With that in mind, we spoke with Lenkov about the process of creating this character and the choice of Perdita Weeks to portray her, to gain further insights into his vision.

1. How did the idea of ​​bringing the character Higgins as a woman into the reboot come about?

I had always felt the relationship between Magnum and Higgins in the original show resembled one of two people who under their armor loved and respected each other. Their bickering, to me at least, came across as the early stages of a beautiful, long lasting relationship. The original show had no real female representation, so making Higgins a woman did a number of great things: it brought our reboot into the 21st century. It expanded on that wonderful dynamic Tom (Selleck) & John (Hillerman) created in a fresh new way. It gave us a new avenue (romance) to write to if the chemistry between our two actors worked. And obviously it did. There was never a moment the change did not feel organic. It was embraced by the studio and network immediately.

2. Did you intend to use the character of Higgins to deconstruct the old Magnum right from the beginning of the series? I mean, thinking about remodeling for modern times without losing the main characteristics of the character, such as the scene where Higgins presents Magnum with an Aloha shirt… Did you foresee that?

Higgins was always our outsider, the way into the Magnum mythos. I had always intended to answer any questions the original show left us with. The reason he kayaks for instance. Or the origins of the Rolex. The aloha shirt. It was great fun giving an origin story to all that canon.

3. Regarding actress Perdita Weeks, what caught your attention the most to choose her as Higgins? And how was her choice for the role? Did you already know her work and invite her, or was it an audition? (people are always saying how perfect she was for the role)

We met Perdita during the casting process. I honestly didn’t know much about her… but her audition made me sit up and take notice. Afterwards I went on a binge, looking at everything she had done, and in our second get together, I knew she was the one.

4. There are many things in which Perdita is similar to Higgins (both studied at a boarding school, the names from Shakespeare, they don’t eat meat…), did the construction of the character have any inspiration from the actress? 

By the time we cast Perdita, a lot of her character was established on paper. Like not liking tea for one thing. I just thought it would be fun to meet the one person from the UK who hates tea. Once Perdita got the role and felt comfortable, she then brought a lot of herself into the character. It’s certainly a team effort between writer and actor creating such a memorable character.

5. The dynamic you expected between Higgins and Magnum from the beginning was always to create a romance, or was it something that happened as the story developed?

That was all the chemistry created by Perdita and Jay. If they didn’t connect, we would never have written to a burgeoning romance.

6. When you created Higgins, did you already imagine putting her as a protagonist? Or was it something that happened as the audience reception developed? Because she grew as the show developed and became indispensable, right?

Higgins was always, from the start, going to be Tom’s (Selleck) work “partner”… That was always the fresh spin I had on the original. It became more than work once we saw how that onscreen relationship developed.

7. We never had a flashback of Higgins in her MI6 days or showing more about her family. (It’s something fans really miss) Was this something you thought about exploring? Is there something you can share with us about her that we haven’t had the chance to know? 

My dream had always been to start a season in London… with Magnum and Higgins arriving to attend the wedding of a relative… and from there, we launch a mystery… A crime that peels back layers on her life in MI6… and with that, comes flashes to her past career.

8. Was there any memorable moment with Perdita on set?

I was certainly super impressed the first time I saw Perdita’s physical prowess on set. Like in the pilot when she went hand-to-hand with a gunman. Or how deadpan funny she was in the taxi ride after being shot. Those are great moments you smile to yourself at knowing you chose the right person.

9. What characteristic of Higgins do you admire the most?

Wow. Great question. I think her strength. Not just physical… but her mental strength and morality.

10. What is it like to work with Perdita?

Perdita was a joy to work with. Never an unprofessional moment.

11. Is there any fact or curiosity about the show or a moment during the creation of the show that you think is cool to share with us?

The one person who I don’t think gets their due when it comes to the show is legendary Executive Producer John Davis. Great producer, great guy and my neighbor in Malibu. When I told him I was struggling to get Magnum PI off the ground, he offered to help. A few phone calls later, we were suddenly moving forward. He was my godfather on the series. And for his help I will be forever grateful.

12. For fans of your work: can you comment if you are working on any new projects or news?

Right now I’m busy working on a new show… and finishing a movie script for Sony. It’s a very exciting time for me creatively. Thanks for asking.

In every project he takes on, it’s clear that Peter Lenkov is more than just a talented storyteller – he’s a dream architect, turning simple concepts into unforgettable cinematic experiences. His commitment to excellence and his passion for the craft continue to inspire and delight viewers around the world, ensuring that his legacy in the entertainment industry endures for many years to come.

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