#Recipe Magnum’s Avocado Toast. Yummy!

Avocado Toast or Avocado Bruschetta is a popular recipe among health food enthusiasts, mainly consumed for breakfast.

Quick and easy to prepare, this combination provides protein, good carbohydrates, and healthy fats. You can vary the ingredients by using the toppings you desire.

This recipe was originally written by D’Ideés Magazine and published here in partnership so that fans from other countries can also learn.

Today’s recipe is inspired by the episode “The Breaking Point” (Season 5, Episode 2) of Magnum P.I., which premiered last Sunday (19th) in the USA.

Credits: NBC / Magnum P.I.

In the episode, Thomas Magnum is preparing a delicious Avocado Toast for his girlfriend (we love saying that!) Juliet Higgins, showing his romantic side. Our recipe will be inspired, in particular, by the food he prepared. After all, who didn’t feel like trying it? Juliet seems to love it!

Credits: NBC / Magnum P.I.


– One slice of wholemeal bread;
– Avocado* (the small avocado used in Guacamole);
– Egg;
– Tomatoes (Cherry or Grape, we believe Thomas used Grape due to its shape);
– Topping: here, we’re not sure if he finished it with red onion, raw filleted fish or squid. If you choose raw fish: it’s important to choose a good and fresh fish. The most suitable ones are sole, corvina, grouper, and white salmon – due to their texture. The same goes for squid or octopus.


1. Toast the bread: you can place the slice on a griddle (sealing both sides) or toaster to make it more firm like toast;
2. Mash the avocado: in a bowl or directly on the toast, mash it well. The more fiber it has, the less mushy it will be when served. You can season it with salt and pepper (to taste);
3. Soft-boiled fried egg: Juliet’s had a soft-boiled yolk (it dripped a bit on the plate when she bit into it), but it can be according to your taste. To have an egg with perfectly cooked whites and slightly undercooked yolks, the trick is to heat the oil or butter in the pan and then crack the egg and reduce the heat. Cook covered until the whites are set, cover with a lid. If you prefer a firm yolk, leave it covered for a longer time. Once done, place it on top of the avocado on the toast;
4. Finishing: cut the tomatoes in half and place them on top of the egg (Thomas used 3). Add your preferred topping!
And voila! Your “Magnum” Avocado Toast is ready to eat. Now we just need a Thomas Magnum to make it for us, right?
Credits: NBC / Magnum P.I.
Extra tips:
– Choose ripe Avocados. You will know they are ripe by gently squeezing them with the palm of your hands (don’t use your finger, it will bruise it) and it gives a little.
– Using thick sliced bread is better to hold the avocado.
– If seasoning the avocado, do it while mashing and mixing it, so it will have more flavor. You can use lemon juice, pepper, salt, fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley or basil, and spices like freshly ground black pepper, cumin, or paprika.
Credits: NBC / Magnum P.I.

D’Idées Magazine prepared a playlist for Miggy fans (if you like Taylor Swift). It’s called

“Taylor Swift songs that could have been written for Miggy”. You can listen to it while cooking!

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